Need help



I have created an excel file to track expenses. I have an if function which
is somehting like this: =if(D3="","",D5-D3). This way if there is no value in
D3 i get a blank in my 6th row. This is doen for 20 rows across my 6th row.

Now here is my problem. I have graphed that data but even though it shows up
as a blank in the cell is graphing it as a "zero" value. Is there a way to
make it register as a blank cell and not as a "zero"? Or is there a way i
can format my graph to not plot a value equal to zero?

anyhelp on this would be greatly appreciated

Luke M

Change your formula to:

This will generate the #N/A error, which XL graphs ignore the data (since it
is, by definition, not applicable)

Note that if your cells were truly empty (and not containing formulas) you
would need to go to Tools-Options-Chart settings to change how your chart
handles empty cells.


In order to get the blank spaces out of the chart you have to hide it
filter all the blank spaces, select the rows, right click in the mouse,
hide, then change the filter to see all the other data, and your graph will


I dont want the "#N/A" error to show up in my spreadsheet though. I want to
see it as a blank


i dont think i made my self very clear. I apologize. I want the blank spaces
in the chart. But when i go to chart options and say display value. I want it
to display nothing (as it nothing was typed in the cell) rather than a "0"
which is what im getting with the formula

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