Need Help with Outlook/McAfee Spamkiller Interface. Must turn Sp.



Used Spamkiller ok until recently. Now, when booting up, Spamkiller has to
be turned off to allow Outlook to run. I deleted and reinstalled Spamkiller
- same results. Has anyone had a similar problem and found a solution?

Brian Tillman

RWR said:
Used Spamkiller ok until recently. Now, when booting up, Spamkiller
has to be turned off to allow Outlook to run. I deleted and
reinstalled Spamkiller - same results. Has anyone had a similar
problem and found a solution?

Ask the supplier of Spamkiller.

Brian Tillman

RWR said:
I checked earlier with McAfee...told it was a Microsoft problem?????

Obviously not, since it's a message caused by the incomplete removal of that

Brian Tillman

RWR said:
I checked earlier with McAfee...told it was a Microsoft problem?????

Naturally they'd say that, being too embarrassed to admit they have a
problem. Invariably, however, the fault lies with the add-on that doesn't
integrate properly with Outlook. Granted, Outlook may be difficult to
accommodate, but it's still the add-on's fault.

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