Need help with OpenFileDialog StartPosition / Location settings



Everything I've read so far states you can't inherit or extend these
dialogs because they're "sealed".

I considered building my own custom control, but I haven't been able to

1) How to add a "Places Bar" to a form
2) How to hook a Combo Box into System locations like the existing
OpenFileDialog / SaveFileDialog offer (ie. "My Recent Documents",
"Desktop", etc.)
3) A Directory List control that displays Folders and Files, as found
in the OpenFileDialog / SaveFileDialog

In my research, I did discover a web site that sells a Framework that
claims to allow you to "dock" dialogs, specify Start Position, etc.

They claim you can extend both Open/Save as well as Print, Font, etc.
dialogs. Everything I've read so far contradicts this though, not to
mention the last thing I want to do is add bloatware to my project.

Is there any way to hook / override / interface somehow the
OpenFileDialog / SaveFileDialog controls and specify a Location to be
displayed on the screen when they're launched ?

Kinda like the "Point" member, where you can specify the "X" and "Y"
Coordinates and then assign the Point variable to the .Location member
of most controls.


In my research, I did discover a web site that sells a Framework that
claims to allow you to "dock" dialogs, specify Start Position, etc.

They claim you can extend both Open/Save as well as Print, Font, etc.
dialogs. Everything I've read so far contradicts this though, not to
mention the last thing I want to do is add bloatware to my project.

at a guess they're p/invoking the base win32 dialogs which aren't sealed.


So I guess nothing but bloatware exists, how unfortunate. Was looking
for something more down to coding conventions or tricks that might

Anyone know of any API hooks to move dialog boxes that are sealed?

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