Need help creating a custom view in appointment view


Jack B. Pollack

Can someone help me design a custom view for re-occurring appointments
(birthdays) that sorts by month (without the year).

I am looking for a view that would list all the Jan events together, all the
Feb events together, etc. (the year doesn't matter since the events occur
every year). The only view I have been able to create is completely
chronological Jan-Dec 2004, Jan-Dec 2005 etc.


Sue Mosher [MVP-Outlook]

Outlook can't do that, because it doesn't separate the date out as a separate field that you can filter on.

F.H. Muffman

Sue said:
Outlook can't do that, because it doesn't separate the date out as a
separate field that you can filter on.

Tho, couldn't you pull the month out using a macro, put it in, say, the
Mileage field and just use the Windows scheduler to run outlook once a day
with the /autorun switch to fire off that macro?

Not that I'd want to write that code, but... =)

Well, ok, I'd do it for a fee.

Sue Mosher [MVP-Outlook]

That might work, although /autorun has never worked for me. It also would take 12 filtered views, one for each month. But I don't think the o.p. was asking how to write code.

Jack B. Pollack

Yeh, was just looking for a simple way to see the bdays for the current

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