Navigation bar propoerties will not publish



Each time I try to pbulish my web site, all content makes it on my www BUT the navigation bar is omitted.
I have FP extensions installed with my webhost.
What am I doing wrong?

Tom Pepper Willett

What version of the extensions?
Tom Pepper Willett [Microsoft MVP - FrontPage]
Microsoft FrontPage:

| Each time I try to pbulish my web site, all content makes it on my www BUT
the navigation bar is omitted.
| I have FP extensions installed with my webhost.
| What am I doing wrong?


My web host is and they offer FP 2002 extensions to be installed on all the web servers. I'm not exactly sure what version.

Stefan B Rusynko

Provide a URL to the published site to look at


| My web host is and they offer FP 2002 extensions to be installed on all the web servers. I'm not exactly sure what

Stefan B Rusynko

You shared borders look OK
- provided you have a page structure defined in Navigation View

Only thing I see is perhaps your absolutely positioned divs are hiding it

What happens when you run a Tools Recalculate Hyperlinks, then select the home page use File Preview in Browser




Well, good question: "What happens when you run a Tools Recalculate Hyperlinks, then select the home page use File Preview in Browser

I did a recalc, and File - Preview in Browser. The Nav. Buttons are seen using File - Preview in Browser, HOWEVER, each time I publish, they DO NOT get published. ?????????

Thanks for your efforts, please don't give up on me. I just don't know what to do.

Stefan B Rusynko

Do any of your file names have spaces in them?
- if so, remove the spaces by renaming the file in Folder List
- if not, provide the files names of a couple pages in your nav view


| Well, good question: "What happens when you run a Tools Recalculate Hyperlinks, then select the home page use File Preview in
| I did a recalc, and File - Preview in Browser. The Nav. Buttons are seen using File - Preview in Browser, HOWEVER, each time I
publish, they DO NOT get published. ??????????
| Thanks for your efforts, please don't give up on me. I just don't know what to do.


You said
Do any of your file names have spaces in them? - NO THEY HAVE, INSTEAD OF SPACES THEY HAVE THE UNDERSCORE CHARACTER, "_"
- if so, remove the spaces by renaming the file in Folder Lis
- if not, provide the files names of a couple pages in your nav view -I am lost as to what you are asking me to do


The names on the Nav. bar are as follows

Showroom Quilt
Baby Quilt
About U
Placing an Orde


Mind if I join the discussion . . . I'm having the same
problem. With a slight variation. There are links in
the body of my home to get to other pages and if you go
to one of them and thenback to the home page, the nav bar
miraculously reappears . . . any ideas?

the site is

thanks for any insight you can provide. Jani

Thomas A. Rowe

Check with your host to be sure that you have name your home page as required by the host, because
it sound like you have two home pages

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.


Thanks, that was helpful. For whatever reason, my home
page index.htm is being uploaded as index.html on the
server. I redirected my domain name to this new page and
(mostly) everything is back working. I do have one page,
however, the photo index, that is still screwing up the
navigation bar. It lists the home page, but that's all.
It still seems a bit random to me.
-----Original Message-----
Check with your host to be sure that you have name your
home page as required by the host, because

Richard Gutery

Did you try to recalc the links? In other words, have your hosting service
run the web tool and recalc the links.


Ok, all of you have been helpful. However, I am still having no luck. I went and changed the file names on each page on my site from a htm to a html, saved and published, but still no luck. Went back recalculated hyperlinks, but nothing

Any other options, ideas???????

Thomas A. Rowe

What version of the FP extensions are installed on the remote server, FP2000 or FP2002?
Can you provide a URL to the site with this problem?
Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.

Mickey said:
Ok, all of you have been helpful. However, I am still having no luck. I went and changed the
file names on each page on my site from a htm to a html, saved and published, but still no luck.
Went back recalculated hyperlinks, but nothing.


Your Question was: What version of the FP extensions are installed on the remote server, FP2000 or FP2002
Can you provide a URL to the site with this problem

Forgive me for not being FP "savy" but when you say remote server, do you mean my web host? If so, then the FP extensions installed are FP2002

You asked me, "can I provide a URL to the site", forgive my ignorance, but I think you mean my website. If so, here it is

Look forward to you reply
Mickey V

Stefan B Rusynko

Not the nav bar names - the file names
like links.htm


| The names on the Nav. bar are as follows:
| Showroom Quilts
| Baby Quilts
| About Us
| Placing an Order
| Links

Richard Gutery

See my fix under 'ULTIMATE Nav bar fix.' in this newsgroup.

It actually did fix all my nav/lnk bar problems, and to be honest, no
problems have arisen since.

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