named pipes



Hi ,
using .net 2.0 / vs 2005 I need to do some work with named pipes.
After a few quick googles and some looking through the msdn docs I looks
like this would still be done via interop.
Before I put any time into this I thought I would verify that this is true,
or is there something in the 2.0 framework for dealing with named pipes that
I've missed ?



Thanks christopher , I had already found those links among others.
I was more interested in whether or not this was something that had been
included natively in the framework and I just wasn't finding it.

thanks again

Lloyd Dupont

It's not included 'natively' in the .NET framework.
But I think you suffer from some misconception.
Include 'natively' in the .NET framework usually mean plenty of interop
under the hood.


'suffer' ???
no misconceptions here - I couldn't care less what's 'under the hood' - if I
don't have code it then that's native enough for me.

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