My worksheet is several thousands of rows


vanilla bean

How can I get rid of all these extra rows - makes everything so slow and
awkward. How did it happen?

Sean Timmons

typically, some data got put in there and only cells were deleted. Highlight
your blank rows and delete them, then go back to the top and save. This
should get rid of yoru blanks.

Gord Dibben

You cannot get rid of extra rows and columns but you may have a distorted
used range.

When you hit CTRL + End where does Excel take you?

If below and right of your actual data range you must reset the used range.

Select row below data and SHIFT + End +Downarrow.

Edit>Delete>Entire Rows.

Do not just "Clear Contents" must use "delete".

Do same for columns to the right of data.

SHIFT + End + Rightarrow.

Now the workbook.

Some earlier versions of Excel will require a save then close and reopen to
see the new used range.

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP

On Tue, 8 Sep 2009 13:05:01 -0700, vanilla bean <vanilla

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