My Pictures Folder Troubles



In The past Two Months I have been trying to find out Why My Pictures or
images I want to save Disappear?

I have done everything to fix the problem?

No one wants to help?

I was told to contact microsoft by phone but I can not afford The fee they
want to charge by phone Especially when they can not Fix the problem without
Having to Back up My Files on a Disk

Here is what happens
When I use paint or Imagemagic, Word or any other image tool then i Righ t
click on the Image Click Save as. It does appear in My Pictures but within
24 Hours As I go to Retrieve that Image IT is NOT there?

Does anyone else have This problem & had is fixed?

Rich Barry

You can try doing a Search for them. Go to Start>Search>All files and
folders>All or Part of the file name . type:
*.bmp then try *.jpg Look in C:\Program Files\ImageMagic
Folder also.


Try creating a new folder named C:\TestPictures, save a few pictures to the
new folder and see if the same problem occurs.


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