my music plays slow and cuts in the middle of song, can anyone hel



my music plays slow and cuts in the middle of song, can anyone help?

What are you trying to play? MP3 WMA, CDs on a PC or have you burnt
tracks to Meda to play elswhere. Please give more info.



Otmane said:
my music plays slow and cuts in the middle of song, can anyone help?

I'm sorry, but you need to provide more information in order to get
focused troubleshooting. Here is a link which will show you the kind of
details you should include in your newsgroup post:

Some examples of necessary information:

1. What changed between the time things worked and the time they didn't?
2. What sound card do you have?
3. Some information about your computer.
4. What program (and version) you are using to play the music.
5. Do the problems happen with all players or just one?


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