My monitor doesn't always's turn on when i boot my computer. Can anyone help?



My monitor doesn't always's turn on when i boot my computer. Can anyone

My System:
ATI Radeon 9200 Series
Motherboard MS-6775 VER:1.00
AMD 2.16Ghz
Windows XP Home
1GB ram
BT Broardband internet connection
Monitor: CTX S962A (LCD)
Internet Explorer 6
I have Norton firewall and AVG Anti Virus Enabled.

When i shut down the computer i get the "End Task svchost" window pop up for
about a second then it disappears and the computer shuts down.
Sometimes i can just boot the computer up windows starts no problem and
sometimes it may take 2 / 3 attempts, the monitor seems to be fine as it
displays "No Signal" when i try to boot the computer, the computer will try
and boot but i can't see how far it gets cause i can't see the screen.
Hope someone can help


Viburnum Pallidifolius Fructofermentans Herpesviru

the elderly said:
My monitor doesn't always's turn on when i boot my computer.

And that was what ****ing relationship to Windows XP, exactly?

Dave Akers

Simon said:
My monitor doesn't always's turn on when i boot my computer. Can anyone

My System:
ATI Radeon 9200 Series
Motherboard MS-6775 VER:1.00
AMD 2.16Ghz
Windows XP Home
1GB ram
BT Broardband internet connection
Monitor: CTX S962A (LCD)
Internet Explorer 6
I have Norton firewall and AVG Anti Virus Enabled.

When i shut down the computer i get the "End Task svchost" window pop up for
about a second then it disappears and the computer shuts down.
Sometimes i can just boot the computer up windows starts no problem and
sometimes it may take 2 / 3 attempts, the monitor seems to be fine as it
displays "No Signal" when i try to boot the computer, the computer will try
and boot but i can't see how far it gets cause i can't see the screen.
Hope someone can help

buy a new monitor is my suggestion


Unplugg your monitor adapter from the back of your
computer and check to see if all the pins are ok.
Sometimes so much as 1 bent pin can create problems. If
you find one thats bent, try to straighten it up using a
pen. Your monitor should be ok after that.


Ricky said:
Unplugg your monitor adapter from the back of your
computer and check to see if all the pins are ok.
Sometimes so much as 1 bent pin can create problems. If
you find one thats bent, try to straighten it up using a
pen. Your monitor should be ok after that.

Please quote some of the original post for clarity:

Original post:

"My monitor doesn't always's turn on when i boot my computer. Can anyone

My System:
ATI Radeon 9200 Series
Motherboard MS-6775 VER:1.00
AMD 2.16Ghz
Windows XP Home
1GB ram
BT Broardband internet connection
Monitor: CTX S962A (LCD)
Internet Explorer 6
I have Norton firewall and AVG Anti Virus Enabled.

"When i shut down the computer i get the "End Task svchost" window pop
up for about a second then it disappears and the computer shuts down.
Sometimes i can just boot the computer up windows starts no problem and
sometimes it may take 2 / 3 attempts, the monitor seems to be fine as it
displays "No Signal" when i try to boot the computer, the computer will
try and boot but i can't see how far it gets cause i can't see the

Things to check:

1. Connect the computer to a different monitor. Does the problem
persist? If so, you know there's nothing wrong with your original
monitor. If everything works well, the original monitor has troubles.

2. If the same issue occurs with a different monitor, you probably have
hardware failures in your system. This could be a failing power supply,
failing video card, overheating, etc. Try swapping out the video card
and testing. Then the power supply, etc. When you are doing any
troubleshooting, you have to do one thing at a time and then test.

If you are uncomfortable opening the computer and testing hardware (or
don't have spare monitors, video cards, etc., take the machine to a
good local repair shop - not a BestBuy or CompUSA type of store.

Good luck,



Dave said:
buy a new monitor is my suggestion

You're from a microsoft.public group, aren't you. Your answer should earn
you an MVP.

"The monitor isn't receiving any signal from the Graphics card" -- "Buy a
new monitor"


Kadaitcha Man

the glaciated said:
You're from a microsoft.public group, aren't you. Your answer should
earn you an MVP.

"The monitor isn't receiving any signal from the Graphics card" --
"Buy a new monitor"


And don't forget, XP is installed so the fact that "The monitor isn't
receiving any signal from the Graphics card" is clearly the fault of XP.


Try this BEFORE booting the PC:
make sure the monitor is turned on
also any other peripherals, so they are ready to recieve signals from
the OS as it boots.
When I have tried to boot all at once I have had a problem with the
monitor not displaying the boot process.
Hope this helps..........


I have had this problem several times. Sometimes XP and your video card do
play well with each other. I have had this problem mostly with a MB with a
built in video card. I replaced the video card and this cured my peoblem (3
times). Good luck.

Sleepless in Seattle

Nothing to do with XP. Purely a hardware issue. Please learn how to tell the

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