my kid has the administrator position and want access to his files



My computer had to be taken in for an overhaul and the teenager made himself
the administrator. He has blocked access to his files etc.
How do I get access to his account and put myself back as the administrator
so he can't access my stuff. I know he's been up to no good.
Any help is appreciated. thnx.


I, and thousands of others, have succeeded in doing it with boths floppys and
cd's. I have kept a boot cd available for years now, to overpower the drek
that distribute zombieware and take posession of the admin account on the
machines of people I help. It requires the ability to burn a cd, and then set
the system to boot to that. You answer a few obvious quiestions, and the
registry is overwritten, to blank the default Administrator, or any user I.D.
you choose.


I, and thousands of others, have succeeded in doing it with boths floppys and
cd's. I have kept a boot cd available for years now, to overpower the drek
that distribute zombieware and take posession of the admin account on the
machines of people I help. It requires the ability to burn a cd, and then set
the system to boot to that. You answer a few obvious quiestions, and the
registry is overwritten, to blank the default Administrator, or any user I.D.
you choose.

I burned an iso image and tried it a year or so ago, and I didn't have
much luck with it. Maybe I'll try again. I do have current backup
images using Acronis True Image to fall back on should I mess it up.

nesredep egrob

I burned an iso image and tried it a year or so ago, and I didn't have
much luck with it. Maybe I'll try again. I do have current backup
images using Acronis True Image to fall back on should I mess it up.

If you have Acronis, you will surely have made an Acronis Boot disk which will
get you in to drive C: where you can use the Image to restore C: to the previous
Admin Password, provided it really is up to date.

I am not sure about the password in Bios(never used it). If that is required to
be input every time you boot the computer, it could be your weapon to convince
the youngster that you are more computer savy that he will ever be.
I am just 84 and I am damned sure that I shall not be beaten by first, second or
third generation offspring.

Borge in sunny Perth, Australia


I burned an iso image and tried it a year or so ago, and I didn't have
much luck with it. Maybe I'll try again. I do have current backup
images using Acronis True Image to fall back on should I mess it up.

As a followup to my own post, I downloaded a more current iso file and
burned another cd. I was finally able to reset my passwords with this
cd. The on screen instructions still seem to be a little more cryptic
than they need to be, but I managed it this time. :)


Now that you have done it, I admit that instructions from Acronis might not be
tiptop but why don't you share the experience with us with some instructions.

I wasn't referring to doing anything with Acronis. I was referring to
using the nt password recovery program, Offline NT pw & reg-editor,
bootdisk listed here:

My Acronis backup image would be used if that program messed up my
system, but it didn't. I use Acronis Home version 10 for backups, and
have used it to restore my system a few times. I make a full image
backup every three days, and maintain selected images for at least 6
months. The Acronis boot cd allows images to be restored directly from
my usb hard drive. Windows doesn't need to be installed first.

nesredep egrob

As a followup to my own post, I downloaded a more current iso file and
burned another cd. I was finally able to reset my passwords with this
cd. The on screen instructions still seem to be a little more cryptic
than they need to be, but I managed it this time. :)

Now that you have done it, I admit that instructions from Acronis might not be
tiptop but why don't you share the experience with us with some instructions. If
they are any good, I shall re-enact them and set it up as a signature in my
program which means they are copied to anyone who is in the same position, that

There is no excuse now that Acronis have made version 8 FOC

To avoid grizzlies, the Alaska Department of Fish & Game
advises hikers to wear noisy little bells on clothes and carry pepper spray,
also watch for signs of activity:
Black bear scat is smaller and contains berries; grizzly scat has little bells
in it and smells like pepper.

Borge in sunny Perth, Australia

nesredep egrob

As a followup to my own post, I downloaded a more current iso file and
burned another cd. I was finally able to reset my passwords with this
cd. The on screen instructions still seem to be a little more cryptic
than they need to be, but I managed it this time. :)

To easily help other people, I have written the following as a signature. Ctrl-I
and I have a choice of signatures. Here is the one I should have sent you:

To reset your computer so that only you may use it and you are the undisputed
Well you should use Acronis to assist you to retain your Administrator powers.
First get Acronis, it is available on many different places. Apparently version
7.0 is free, the others 8 and 9 are tests only. I stand to be corrected on that
as I am running 9 and it is a paid version.

Now that you have that and you have it installed, you will put a CD into the
drive and make a Bootable CD by using the icon shaped as a lifebelt.

Then you will make an Image of your C drive as an absolute minimum. You have a
chance of verifying that image - do that, just to make sure.
Lock away your boot disk and your DVD's or whatever you wrote the image to -
make sure that only you can get at them.

When and if in trouble:
Go to Bios to change the boot order so the boot will start from the CD.
Now is the time to get the Boot disk out of the hidy hole and also your Image.

Boot with CD and it explains itself. It gives you the chance to restore your
chosen drive which generally will be C:
I have just done so and I now have another good version of C drive.
Unfortunately mine did give an error message.
Is was as follows: AVG Anti Virus COM error caught 80004002, No such interface
Well it was easy - I still had the downloaded version of the free AVG - used
that to setup AVG again and downloaded the Updates and we are right.

Now to avoid trouble you need to get a strong password. My present dog is name
ELSA and that is not too good to make a password of but it is easy to remember
and that is important. Computers cannot remember letters so we have helped them
along by replacing letters with numbers. A= 65 (decimal) and up one for each of
the letters in the alphabet. Therefore ELSA is = 69768365 - now that is a bit
more respectable and look like a password - too easy for someone knowing how
much you think of your dog. There are 4 letter equating to four double digit
Think of something - my British Army number= 14195068. We take the first four
numbers of that and add that one number at a time to the password - 69 therefore
is 70 - 76 comes out at 80, 83=84 65=74 having added 01040109 to the lot.
Your total password therefore is 70808474- I guarantee that will take a bit of
working out.
You probably will forget the password but you can easily work it out if you have
done something sensible.
Make sure you computer comes up and asks for a password using Ctrl,Alt,Del

And here is another just for fun

To avoid grizzlies, the Alaska Department of Fish & Game
advises hikers to wear noisy little bells on clothes and carry pepper spray,
also watch for signs of activity:
Black bear scat is smaller and contains berries; grizzly scat has little bells
in it and smells like pepper.

And my usual

Borge in sunny Perth, Australia

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