my dll can't be found on XP



Hi all,

I have a developed a VB application that utilses a DLL I wrote. I have
been distributing this application for years and hundreds of users have
had no issues.

The VB exe checks for the DLL by calling a function from it - if it
gets the correct response it knows it is there - if it doesn't it
displays a message saying missing DLL.

I have a user that is now constantly getting the missing DLL error
message. The DLL is in the same directory as the exe and there is also
a copy in the system32 directory. The only clue I have to go off is
that it is a new pc with XP (2002?) and it is in Norway. Given that
this is the only time it has ocurred (the same user had no issues on
her old pc) I am putting it down to some XP settings.

Anyone got any clues??




I might be way off base with this but you might try typing this command into
the Start|Run box

regsvr32 yourdll.dll

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