My Computer not detecting my external harddrive



I have a IDE hard drive with USB casing and connected to my USB port.
The problem is the hard drive partitions are not shown up in My computer.
But My Computer->Manage->Storage->Disk management shows the hard drive with
3 partitions and all the three are healthy.I know there are a few bad sectors.
I am sure I have not made any changes in registry that prevents drives from
being shown.
Please help me.

The Real Truth MVP

You probably need to use Disk management to change the drive letters of your
usb drive. What drives do you see now when you open my computer?

The Real Truth
*WARNING* Do NOT follow any advice given by the people listed below.
They do NOT have the expertise or knowledge to fix your issue. Do not waste
your time.
David H Lipman, Malke, PA Bear, Beauregard T. Shagnasty, Leythos.


karthikaravind said:
I have a IDE hard drive with USB casing and connected to my USB port.
The problem is the hard drive partitions are not shown up in My computer.
But My Computer->Manage->Storage->Disk management shows the hard drive with
3 partitions and all the three are healthy.I know there are a few bad sectors.
I am sure I have not made any changes in registry that prevents drives from
being shown.
Please help me.

The Real Truth MVP is not listed on the MVP list:

Check out “pcbutts†using your favorite search engine.

Can you really trust someone like this?


karthikaravind said:
I have a IDE hard drive with USB casing and connected to my USB port.
The problem is the hard drive partitions are not shown up in My computer.
But My Computer->Manage->Storage->Disk management shows the hard drive with
3 partitions and all the three are healthy.I know there are a few bad sectors.
I am sure I have not made any changes in registry that prevents drives from
being shown.
Please help me.
I thought somebody would come along and help. I'll try to help but I'll
need more information.

My Computer->Manage->Storage->Disk management shows the usb drive as
what drive letter.

What are your other drive letters?

Next to the clock, is there a safely remove hardware icon?


The said:
You dumb troll. you tell him to ignore me then ask him the same thing I
did. Find your own answer copycat.

I wouldn't trust you to walk my dog and pick up his feces should he
relieve himself in someone else's yard. How do you know the original
poster is a "him"? Don't ASSUME, it makes an ASs of yoU and ME.

You know if you posted a reply using a real name and not calling
yourself a secret MVP you might be taken seriously. As it stands now,
you're a joke.

Christopher Butts, the man with with two faces and both of them are women.

Christopher Butts, secret MVP, with a license to shill. :cool:

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