My Calendar control button stopped working.



After opening and clicking on the popup calendar command control
button, "fdlgCal"; I click on a given date. The date is suppose to
then appear in a date field next to the control. Instead, I get the
following error:

"Microsoft Office Access

The expression On Click you entered as the event
property setting
produced the following error: The expression you
entered has a function
name that Microsoft Office Access can't find.

*The expression may not result in the name of a macro,
the name of a user-defined
function, or [Event Procedure].

* There may have been an error evaluating the function,
event, or macro."

Every thing use to work. My fear is that I changed one thing to many
during the process of debugging my whole application, and ended up
breaking this function.

Below is a description of how I have things set up:

1. I have a form called: "Employee"

2. It has a date field with the Control Source/Name: "startdte"

3. Next to this field is a calendar button named "Command100" with
an On Click Event Procedure written as follows:

"Private Sub Command100_Click()
On Error GoTo ErrLine
startdte = CalendarDlg(startdte)
Exit Sub
Resume ExitLine
End Sub"

4. Under my list of Modules; I have a module called "basCalDlg"
with the following Visual Basic Code:

"Option Compare Database 'Use database order for string comparisons
Option Explicit

Private Const cCalendarDialog = "fdlgCal"
'Const cModule = "basCalDlg"

Public Function CalendarDlg(Optional ByVal vPassedDate As Variant) As
' This is the public entry point.
' If the passed in date is missing (as it will be if someone just
opens the Calendar form),
' start on the current day. Otherwise, start with the date that is
passed in.
On Error GoTo ErrLine

Dim vStartDate As Variant

' If they passed a value at all, attempt to use it as the start
vStartDate = IIf(IsMissing(vPassedDate), date, vPassedDate)
' OK, so they passed a value that wasn't a date. Just use today's
date in that case, too.
If Not IsDate(vStartDate) Then vStartDate = date
DoCmd.OpenForm FormName:=cCalendarDialog, WindowMode:=acDialog,

' You won't get here until the calendar dialog is closed or hidden.
' If the calendar dialog is still loaded get the final chosen date
from the form.
' If it isn't, return Null.
If IsFormOpen(cCalendarDialog) Then
CalendarDlg = Forms(cCalendarDialog).Value
DoCmd.Close acForm, cCalendarDialog
CalendarDlg = IIf(IsDate(vPassedDate), vPassedDate, Null)
End If

Exit Function
Resume ExitLine
End Function"


Did you keep the function IsFormOpen?
Have you tried to compile the code to see what other errors you get?
Can you set a breakpoint on the command100 click 1st line and step thru code
until it falls over?

Just a few thought,


jphelan1242 said:
After opening and clicking on the popup calendar command control
button, "fdlgCal"; I click on a given date. The date is suppose to
then appear in a date field next to the control. Instead, I get the
following error:

"Microsoft Office Access

The expression On Click you entered as the event
property setting
produced the following error: The expression you
entered has a function
name that Microsoft Office Access can't find.

*The expression may not result in the name of a macro,
the name of a user-defined
function, or [Event Procedure].

* There may have been an error evaluating the function,
event, or macro."

Every thing use to work. My fear is that I changed one thing to many
during the process of debugging my whole application, and ended up
breaking this function.

Below is a description of how I have things set up:

1. I have a form called: "Employee"

2. It has a date field with the Control Source/Name: "startdte"

3. Next to this field is a calendar button named "Command100" with
an On Click Event Procedure written as follows:

"Private Sub Command100_Click()
On Error GoTo ErrLine
startdte = CalendarDlg(startdte)
Exit Sub
Resume ExitLine
End Sub"

4. Under my list of Modules; I have a module called "basCalDlg"
with the following Visual Basic Code:

"Option Compare Database 'Use database order for string comparisons
Option Explicit

Private Const cCalendarDialog = "fdlgCal"
'Const cModule = "basCalDlg"

Public Function CalendarDlg(Optional ByVal vPassedDate As Variant) As
' This is the public entry point.
' If the passed in date is missing (as it will be if someone just
opens the Calendar form),
' start on the current day. Otherwise, start with the date that is
passed in.
On Error GoTo ErrLine

Dim vStartDate As Variant

' If they passed a value at all, attempt to use it as the start
vStartDate = IIf(IsMissing(vPassedDate), date, vPassedDate)
' OK, so they passed a value that wasn't a date. Just use today's
date in that case, too.
If Not IsDate(vStartDate) Then vStartDate = date
DoCmd.OpenForm FormName:=cCalendarDialog, WindowMode:=acDialog,

' You won't get here until the calendar dialog is closed or hidden.
' If the calendar dialog is still loaded get the final chosen date
from the form.
' If it isn't, return Null.
If IsFormOpen(cCalendarDialog) Then
CalendarDlg = Forms(cCalendarDialog).Value
DoCmd.Close acForm, cCalendarDialog
CalendarDlg = IIf(IsDate(vPassedDate), vPassedDate, Null)
End If

Exit Function
Resume ExitLine
End Function"

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