Multiple Worksheets



Took me a couple of years to just figure out how to manage cells and
calculations some time ago and have been setting up these for any and all
accounts I have. I have numerous worksheets within one workbook. These are
mainly for financial transactions. Need help in figuring out how to make one
transaction in one worksheet where it will automatically update in another
worksheet or worksheets. For example: If I make a transaction on my check
register (worksheet 1) for a payment, that same payment would update in
another worksheet setup for the account being paid. Would appreciate any and
all assistance.


It is not always easy to work with separate worksheet. I have uploaded at a file called bank.xls that puts in one
single sheet all the bank transactions, and with autofilter and some standard
excel functions, you have the balance of each account. The file is, I
believe, easy to understand, only one rule: onnly enter information in cells
with blue background, leave cellswith white background untouched, as they
contain formulas. Feel free to use and let us know if this helps you or if
you want something else.

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