Multiple Video Clips - timing from one to the next



I have a series of 9 individual video clips incorporated
into a single slide. All 9 combined cover the entire video
I am attempting to include. I tryed to link the AVI files
together but the audio does not match up properly.

I have found that I need to start 1 or 2
of the clips down to hundreds of a second. Although PP
allows me to input 25.62 seconds (for example), it
defaults back to 25.6. I need to get it to 25.62 seconds
for the sound to fit perfectly. I was playing around with
the code within the editor and attempted to edit the code
which does allow me to input 256200. However, I attempt to
save the revised code but, unless I am not saving
properly, it goes back to 25600.

On a related matter, I have a shockwave (swf) file that I
can lauch in Internet Explorer that will correctly play
the entire video file (all 9 one perfectly 1 after
another). However, PP will not let me use the swf file
correctly. So, I converted the file to 9 individual AVI

Any suggestions?


Use the Flash file inserted into PowerPoint.

PowerPoint's timings are not good at hundredths of a second, well at least,
not yet. Tell MS if you want it to be:

Please spend a few minutes checking vestprog2@
out This link will yahoo.
answer most of our questions, before com
you think to ask them.

Change org to com to defuse anti-spam,
ant-virus, anti-nuisance misdirection.

John Langhans [MSFT]

[CRITICAL UPDATE - Anyone using Office 2003 should install the critical
update as soon as possible. From PowerPoint, choose "Help -> Check for


PowerPoint doesn't currently support the level of timing/synchronization
that you are looking for.

If some kind of more deterministic, system independent, synchronization of
multimedia, animations, transitions, etc. is important to you (or anyone
else reading this message) for Microsoft to consider for some future
version of PowerPoint, don't forget to send your feedback to Microsoft at:

As with all product suggestions, it's important that you not just state
your wish but also WHY it is important to you that your product suggestion
be implemented by Microsoft. Microsoft receives thousands of product
suggestions every day and we read each one but, in any given product
development cycle, there are only sufficient resources to address the ones
that are most important to our customers so take the extra time to state
your case as clearly and completely as possible.

IMPORTANT: Each submission should be a single suggestion (not a list of

John Langhans
Microsoft Corporation
Supportability Program Manager
Microsoft Office PowerPoint for Windows
Microsoft Office Picture Manager for Windows

For FAQ's, highlights and top issues, visit the Microsoft PowerPoint
support center at:
Search the Microsoft Knowledge Base at:

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
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