Multiple Table Relationships



I have created an employee table with a unique employee ID(also my Primary
Key) for each employee. I track each employee's various trainings attended
and the date they completed each training. I established a one-to-many
relationship based on the employeeID. That works fine. I am able to view
all the trainings each employee took and the dates they completed them. My
problem is, now I need to track all of their qualifications, specialties, and
skills the same way. Should I set them up the same way? Using a one-to-many
for each table based on employeeID looks wrong. What am I missing, or how
should I go about setting up relationships of each table back to the employee
table so that I can see all of these things for each employee? Eventually, I
will need to be able to search for an employee/s based on this information.
(ie. find employee/s with this qualification, or find employee/s with this
qualification and specialty, or any combination above.)
Your assistance is greatly appreciated.

Duane Hookom

You would set up the relationship the same as the trainings:

EmpQualID autonumber primary key
EmployeeID link to tblEMployees.EmployeeID
QualID link to tblQualifications.QualID
FromDate (or other info)

You can use multiple copies of the employee table in your relationship
diagram if you think a single table looks wrong.

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