Multiple Accounts



I have three email accounts set up:
Sherry @ <home ISP> - marked as the default account.
Sherry @ <work domain>
Support @ <work domain>

Everything works fine on the PC. I moved the following files over to
the laptop for a road trip: pst, dat, rwz, srs

When I would respond to an email sent to the home ISP or create a new
one, all would look fine until I sent it - as it was being sent, it
would be converted to the Sherry @ <work domain> email account!

What could have caused this? Short of removing all accounts on the
laptop Outlook and recreating them, is there anything else I can look

I moved just the pst file back to my PC this morning and everything
works fine there.

Outlook 2003 on both computers, Win XP Pro on the PC and Win XP Home on
the laptop


Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

How are you sending the mail from the laptop? Are you selecting the account

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. Due to
the (insert latest virus name here) virus, all mail sent to my personal
account will be deleted without reading.

After furious head scratching, Sherry asked:

| I have three email accounts set up:
| Sherry @ <home ISP> - marked as the default account.
| Sherry @ <work domain>
| Support @ <work domain>
| Everything works fine on the PC. I moved the following files over to
| the laptop for a road trip: pst, dat, rwz, srs
| When I would respond to an email sent to the home ISP or create a new
| one, all would look fine until I sent it - as it was being sent, it
| would be converted to the Sherry @ <work domain> email account!
| What could have caused this? Short of removing all accounts on the
| laptop Outlook and recreating them, is there anything else I can look
| at?
| I moved just the pst file back to my PC this morning and everything
| works fine there.
| Outlook 2003 on both computers, Win XP Pro on the PC and Win XP Home
| on the laptop
| Sherry



Not sure what you're referring to? I do things the same way on the
laptop and the PC. My home ISP is the default email account, so when I
click on New, it automatically shows that as the sending email address.
If I want to use either of my work emails, I click on Accounts while in
the email window and select either one.

After I first discovered that this happened (a couple of responses to
mailing lists posts had bounced that my work email wasn't a
subscriber!), I verified that I was sending from my home account before
sending the next email. While it was in the Outbox, I opened it up and
verified that it was from the home account. After it was sent, I took
a look at it and it was sent from my personal work account!

I could see getting confused with accounts if I was sending a new
message, but even when I reply to a message sent to my home account, it
changed to the personal work account!

I had no problem responding to either of the work emails - those both
picked up the correct sending account when I replied.


Jeff Stephenson [MSFT]

Have you installed SP-1 for Outlook 2003? It may be that you need to
authenticate to your home ISP in order to send through it (when you're on
the road, at least), and therefore attempting to send through it was
failing. In this case, SP-1 has a bug that causes it to try sending on the
next account in your list (your work domain). Correcting your account so
that it doesn't fail would fix this.


Have you installed SP-1 for Outlook 2003? It may be that you need
to authenticate to your home ISP in order to send through it (when
you're on the road, at least), and therefore attempting to send
through it was failing. In this case, SP-1 has a bug that causes it
to try sending on the next account in your list (your work domain).
Correcting your account so that it doesn't fail would fix this.

Yup - everything's up-to-date with the updates. That was the first
thing I took care of after installing Office. The only update not
installed is the French Grammar Checker, since I don't use French....


Jeff Stephenson [MSFT]

[7 quoted lines suppressed]

Yup - everything's up-to-date with the updates. That was the first
thing I took care of after installing Office. The only update not
installed is the French Grammar Checker, since I don't use French....


Are you able to test your "on the road" configuration? If so, could you
see if authenticating to the outgoing server (set it up on the "Outgoing
server" tab for the account) corrects the problem? It may be that the
server in question is rejecting all the recipients of the message because
you're not authenticated.

If that doesn't help, Could you turn on diagnostic logging (see;en-us;Q300479) and post
the OPMLog.log file after you get the problem? That would allow me to see
why the server is rejecting the recipients.


Are you able to test your "on the road" configuration? If so, could
you see if authenticating to the outgoing server (set it up on the
"Outgoing server" tab for the account) corrects the problem? It may
be that the server in question is rejecting all the recipients of
the message because you're not authenticated.

If that doesn't help, Could you turn on diagnostic logging (see;en-us;Q300479) and
post the OPMLog.log file after you get the problem? That would
allow me to see why the server is rejecting the recipients.

I really don't want to try testing the laptop right now - however, this
has started now with my PC. I clicked on "Reply" to a message on the in-
house mailing list and it defaulted to my home email address. I checked
several other mailing lists and some are defaulting to the incoming email
address but most are defaulting to my home email address. Could this be
a clue? I've *never* before this morning had the email change when I
click on reply from what it came in to me!

I just got off the phone with MS support and she was *no* help at all!

I've enabled logging and wouldn't you know... I can't get the account
switch now! As soon as it happens, I'll send that portion of the log

Thanks all!


Jeff Stephenson [MSFT]

I really don't want to try testing the laptop right now - however, this
has started now with my PC. I clicked on "Reply" to a message on the in-
house mailing list and it defaulted to my home email address. I checked
several other mailing lists and some are defaulting to the incoming email
address but most are defaulting to my home email address. Could this be
a clue? I've *never* before this morning had the email change when I
click on reply from what it came in to me!

When you say that a message is defaulting to your home email address, do
you mean that when you reply the message says (in the bar at the top) "this
message will be sent on <your home account>", or that it says it will be
sent on your work account but is actually sent through your home account?


When you say that a message is defaulting to your home email
address, do you mean that when you reply the message says (in the
bar at the top) "this message will be sent on <your home account>",
or that it says it will be sent on your work account but is actually
sent through your home account?

It shows "this message will be send on <your home account> rather than
the account that the message was originally sent to. It's *never* done
that before. I've used Outlook 2002 the past three years with three
email accounts and this is something that just started, a couple weeks
after I installed Outlook 2003 (it was working fine until this

However, the *previous* problem was that it would show the correct
account that it was going to be sent from, but *after* it was sent, it
changed to a *different* account! It did that once this morning and I
can't get it to happen again.

Having the wrong account shown in the first instance I can deal with -
I just need to be careful about verifying the sending account. Having
the account change when it goes out is *not* good!

Seriously thinking of setting up a separate pst folder for the work
emails to keep those two accounts separate from my home account.....


Jeff Stephenson [MSFT]

It shows "this message will be send on <your home account> rather than
the account that the message was originally sent to. It's *never* done
that before. I've used Outlook 2002 the past three years with three
email accounts and this is something that just started, a couple weeks
after I installed Outlook 2003 (it was working fine until this

I think there may have been a problem during the upgrade that messed up
your accounts. Could you post some information from your "registry" (see;en-us;256986 for
information about this). Can you run "regedit", navigate to
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows
Messaging Subsystem\Profiles, right-click on "Profiles", and export it as a
text file? Once that's done, could you send the result to me at
(e-mail address removed) (remove the X's - there there to prevent
spammers from harvesting my address...)? I'd like to see if there's any
indication of what happened.
However, the *previous* problem was that it would show the correct
account that it was going to be sent from, but *after* it was sent, it
changed to a *different* account! It did that once this morning and I
can't get it to happen again.

This is probably due to the correct account not having authentication set
for the outgoing server - I've yet to encounter a different reason for
Seriously thinking of setting up a separate pst folder for the work
emails to keep those two accounts separate from my home account.....

Once you've gathered the registry information I requested above, you might
want to just create a new profile with new accounts.

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