Multiple a column of costs by a single factor



I have a spread sheet of repair cost for 34 different plan types, each column
is a different plan type of home with repair costs for that plan type in each
column. I want to multiple each column by the number of homes in each of the
plan types. I don't want to enter a formula in each cell of the column (total
of 225 costs per column). There must be a simpler way. Using Excel 2003.

Peo Sjoblom

You can format as cell as currency, put the number you want, copy that cell,
select all numbers that need to be multiplied and do edit>paste special and
select multiply. Note that as opposed using help columns and formulas there
will not be any auditing traces so if you use the wrong number you can't
correct it by changing a formula, you need to know what the error was to
correct it

T. Valko

Try this:

Enter your multiplier in an empty cell.
Copy that cell
Select the range of cells to multiply
Then do Edit>Paste Special>Multiply>OK



Thanks, that worked

Peo Sjoblom said:
You can format as cell as currency, put the number you want, copy that cell,
select all numbers that need to be multiplied and do edit>paste special and
select multiply. Note that as opposed using help columns and formulas there
will not be any auditing traces so if you use the wrong number you can't
correct it by changing a formula, you need to know what the error was to
correct it


Thanks, learned something new.

T. Valko said:
Try this:

Enter your multiplier in an empty cell.
Copy that cell
Select the range of cells to multiply
Then do Edit>Paste Special>Multiply>OK


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