MSI G4 4200 Ti-TD


John Kingscott

1) A7V266-E / KT266A
2) SB Live (now uninstalled)
3) MSI G4 4200 Ti-TD drivers 52.16

I can't play media files without the PC locking up. Is this board/ graphics
card XP compatible? where might I look to find a solution?

The system also crashes when I open up Sibelius (music writing app) when I
assume it tries to change the colour / resolution settings.

Any ideas



The combination seems fine. Re-install all drivers. Also
re-install DirectX.

Then run dxdiag from START => RUN

Do all the tests. From there on try troubleshooting. I
think the SB-Live cards take 2 IRQs. (I've got one as well)

Disable mostly everything in the BIOS (Printer, serial,
etc) Also check the IRQ of the soundcard. Mine once
defaulted to IRQ #7. No errors. Blue screen for any sound

Joseph Conway [MSFT]

When you say media is locking up, what players lock on you? Only WMP or all
of them? I dont know of any issues with the cards mentioned below so it may
be something as simple as new drivers/DirectX.

John Kingscott

Locks up on WMP but also on Sibelius (a music writing prog) I think it is
trying the change the resoultion and/ or colours.

John Kingscott

Sound isn't problem now... but graphics is..:
On starting dxdiag :
dxdiag has detected that there may have been a problem accessing Direct 3D
the last time this program was used...

I have the lastest version of direct x and the hardware accel. down a knotch

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