MSBlast affected my Win2k Advance Server



My Win2k Advance server was affected by the MSBlast worm
virus. The effect it made was the computer restart before
I even log on - making it impossible to apply the patch or
fix. What should I do? Is there a way? PLEASE HELP!!!

Kelly Schutt

You may need to boot into safe mode (tap F8 while it's booting, before
Windows splashscreen) to remove it. If you don't have time to run this
tool normally, then boot to safe mode and give it a shot or manually
remove it.

Lanwench [MVP - Exchange]

In addition to the other replies:

You need a firewall protecting your network, and you need to be running
Windows Update regularly for all critical patches - on your server and all
workstations. The patch for this came out a long time ago!

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