MS Graph problem


Harold Good

I have a Column chart that is supposed to have two columns, one for Budget
and one for Actual. ProjectID is the primary key. At one time it worked
properly, now I see that it is graphing Actual and ProjectID as the two

I'm not sure where I messed it up, but is there a way I can tell it which
fields to graph (Budget and Actual), instead of it deciding itself what it
wants to graph.

I know when I worked through the wizard originally that is where I chose
this, but is there a way to correct it now - other than making a new graph
via the wizard?

The graph presently is a form.

Thanks for any ideas,


[MVP] S.Clark

You can modify the properties for the chart, and that will net a data grid
that is incredibly abstract.

You can setup the grid as a single instance of the data that could possibly
be displayed. By default, it adds North, South, East, and West and then
some fake data in there. The important thing to know is that the number of
columns should correspond to the number of rows in the recordsource of the

Personally, I'd just crank through the wizard again.

Harold Good

Thanks, I discovered that by, in the underlying query, shifting ProjectID to
the leftmost column, that did the trick. I hadn't realized that the position
of those columns is important, but it seems that those postions is what it
graphs from.


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