Access MS Access - Could not update; currently locked

Dec 11, 2009
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I have a multi-user MS Access database - split FE and BE, BE on network share, FE on each PC.

Periodically (several times/day) I get the message "Could not update; currently locked" when a user goes to enter a New record. The form filters the records for the current user (chosen from a drop-down box - so different users should not be editting same record). Key is an autonumber field, but there are several indexed fields also.

I have 'Open using record-level locking' checked, default record locking 'No Locks'.

The error occurs on the first keystroke of the new record. Several fields have defaults = unbound controls on main form. The screen the users enter into is a continuous form.

All users have modify rights on the network folder.

I have seen a similar post elsewhere, but they never came to a conclusion. What can I look at, and/or what more questions can I answer for you? Any help would be appreciated - this has ground the project to a halt.


  • PackerLog.JPG
    133 KB · Views: 338
Feb 25, 2010
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This error very often related to someone having the BE opened for exclusive use. Try and figure out which workstation is generating the error and check how they are linked to the BE. Is it possible that someone is opening BE directly? This would lock out other users.

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