Move data from one line to another



I have two stores. I have a spreadsheet generated by company software that
shows inventory at both stores, but on separate lines. For example:

Store Item Qty Qty Store 2
1 A 4 ?
2 A 6

I want to move the “6†from the second line to the “?†on the first line. I
can then sort by Store and delete all records from Store 2 and end up with:

Store Item Qty Qty Store 2
1 A 4 6

Can anyone help?


I think this might work for you.

On your first row of data, in the cell directly under the heading Store 2
Qty, type the following formula:

=IF(B3=B2,OFFSET(B3,,1),""). This assumes your headers are in row 1, and
your qyt store 2 is in column D. Basically, if the item number in the
second row matches the item number of the first row, it'll go one column to
the right of the item number in row 2 and put it in the cell where the
formula is in row 1. If the item numbers do not match, then the qty store 2
cell will remain blank. You can copy the formula down through your entire
data set, and then delete the store 2 rows when complete.

Hope this helps.


I tested your suggestion. It worked great on the first two lines of data,
but as I pulled the formulas down the page, in lines 3 and 4, the only thing
that happened was C4 moved over to D4 (not C5 moving up to D4) and so forth
down the page. What did I do wrong?

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