More options while inserting table



Hi there,
When we select the option Insert Table, we get only two choices that is
number of rows and columns. It will be nice if a couple of options are also
included in that dialogue box. For example, when we say Insert table, the
options should be, No. of Rows, No. of Columns, Font name, Font size, Fill
Color and Stroke color. Later we can edit the table as per our requirement.
Otherwise, when we insert table by giving only no. of rows and columns, like
how it is there now, the table is inserting but with the default font size
which is bigger depending on the font size of the title. No one will be using
the font in the table with 28 or 34 size font. One should select the font
after inserting table and decrease font. If we can define the size of the
font and the name while inserting table, this will save time and job will be

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Font face and size for tables is determined by the format of the text
placeholder on the slide master.

Border color follows the slide color scheme -- it uses the 2nd swatch, the
one labeled Text and Lines. See
for color scheme info.

The default fill color that shows up in the table toolbar's paint bucket
tool is also based on the fill used in the text placeholder on the slide
master -- but the table will not be filled by default.

If you use a content or table slide layout, the overall default size is also
based on the size of the text placeholder on the slide master.

If you create a slide master that uses these settings, creating tables will
be at least a little easier.

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