Monthly Calendar Form



I am looking for a calendar type form where the user only selects the Year
and Month. The associated cell gets populated with the selected month and
year with the default date being the first.
I'm hoping that someone has already created this type of form and is willing
to share.

Any help is appreciated.
- Pat

Rick Rothstein

If your user is not going to be picking the day, why do you need a monthly
display? I would use a ListBox with the 12 month names in it for the user to
pick the month from and a TextBox (perhaps coupled with a Spinner control)
for the user to pick the year from.



To the best of my knowledge, Microsoft doesn't make a calendar control with
only Months and Years. How about letting them use the Calendar Control 10
but not capture the day? You can add a calendar control to the worksheet or
a user form.

In the spreadsheet you reach it by choosing View, Toolbar, Control Toolbox,
and clicking the More controls button on that toolbar. Scroll to Calendar
Control. In VBA you display the Toolbox toolbar and then right click it and
choose Additional Controls.

You can then write code as needed.


Hi Rick,
I initially planned to make a form similar to what you suggested. But then
I started thinking about something fancier. I’m envisioning a form
displaying the months in grid fashion (4 x 3). Each row would be a quarter
of the year. The year field would be above the grid, possibly a spinner text
box. Each month would be labeled with an appropriate “image†you click to
select. I suspect this isn’t already out there and I’ll be the one to create
and share.
Thanks for your quick response and suggestion.
- Pat

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