Calendar question

  • Thread starter Patrick C. Simonds
  • Start date

Patrick C. Simonds

I was going to use the code below to set the Calendar during UserForm
initialization but I realized that if rng(1, 4).Value = blank that I
wanted the calendar to open with the correct month and year but no day

If I eliminate the If rng(1, 4).Value = "" Then
Calendar2.Value = Now()

The Calendar will open with no day selected, but it will not necessarily
come up with the proper month and year (I tried resetting the date on my
compute and the Calendar did not come up with the correct month or year).

Current Code:

If rng(1, 4).Value = "" Then
Calendar2.Value = Now()
Calendar2.Value = rng(1, 4).Value
End If

Dave Peterson

Maybe (if correct means the current month and year)...

Option Explicit
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Dim rng As Range
Set rng = Worksheets("sheet1").Range("a1")

If rng(1, 4).Value = "" Then
With Me.Calendar2
.Month = Month(Date)
.Year = Year(Date)
.Day = 0
End With
Me.Calendar2.Value = rng(1, 4).Value
End If
End Sub

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