Monitor saying, "Sync. Out of Range".



When I'm playing certain games ( SWAT 3 or Medal of Honor:Allied Assault ), after a few or several minutes my monitor goes black with the message "Sync. Out of Range" blinking on the screen.

But when I play other games I have ( Black Hawk Down, Rainbow Six 3:Raven Shield, or Ghost Recon) this problem doesn't occur. If you're still not sure what I'm talking about, this problem is explained from Dell Tech. Support as that is the make of the monitor, but my computer is an AMD Duron

***OSD Warning Message
A warning message may appear on the screen indicating that the monitor is out of sync. This warning message will scroll through the screen

This means that the monitor cannot synchronize with the signal that it is receiving from the computer. Either the signal is too high or too low for the monitor to use. See Specifications for the Horizontal and Vertical scan ranges addressable by this monitor.
Sometimes, no warning message appears, but the screen is blank, which could also indicate that the monitor is not synchronizing with the computer.**

I'm sorry, but I have NO idea what steps I can take to correct this problem. If somebody can help, I would really appreciate it!!. Thanks


after a few or several minutes my monitor goes black
with the message "Sync. Out of Range" blinking on the screen.
I'm sorry, but I have NO idea what steps I can take to
correct this problem.

I've never seen that happen while playing a game... but here's a few

First as soon as you boot windows right click a blank spot on your
desktop and choose properties on the flyout menu. The display
properties dialog will open.

1. Click the Setting tab and take a look at the screen resolution
you're running. When you're not playing games does that work trouble

2. Next click the advanced button, you will see another dialog with
tabs, one of those tabs should say "monitor." Click it. Does this tab
list the exact monitor you are using? If not, you'll probably want to
change that. Look at the Screen Refresh rate box. Write down what that
says. Then check the box that says "Hide Modes that this monitor
cannot display." Is that refresh rate you just wrote down still on the
list? If not, then that's your problem. Select a referesh of 60 to 75
and you should be fine.

3 Then when you start to play a game go into the games menu and look
for video properties and make sure that your game is running at the
resolution set in #1 above or one down from that resolution.

E McCann

What it's saying is that the game has switched to a resolution and/or
refresh rate not supported by the monitor.

Check your settings inside the game(s) giving you this error, and compare
them to what your monitor supports.

For instance, I've got an (older) HP M50 monitor, that maxes out at 1024x768
resolution, 60Hz refresh rate. If I tried to run it at 1152x800, 1280x1024,
or 70 Hz at 1024x768, I would get the same error because the setting is out
of the "range" of resolutions and refresh rates the monitor would support.


Thanks for the suggestions, but I tried turning up my monitor frequency and resolution to the optimum setting indicated in my monitor cd. I also made sure the game was running at least 1 res setting below my desktop setting.

I noticed that it took longer for the screen to go black, but this time no message was displayed even though I was still forced to do a hard reboot. As I said, it's only SWAT 3 and Medal of Honor:Allied Assault I have this problem with.........STRANGE!! Any other suggestions? Thanks again.


I noticed that it took longer for the screen to go black,

Well, next I'd try tweaking your other video settings in the game's
video setup menu, particularly the settings related to 3D. Perhaps
your video card is not able to run with the settings that are setup as
the game's default.

Andrew Portess

RedThorn said:
When I'm playing certain games ( SWAT 3 or Medal of Honor:Allied
Assault ), after a few or several minutes my monitor goes black with the
message "Sync. Out of Range" blinking on the screen.
But when I play other games I have ( Black Hawk Down, Rainbow Six 3:Raven
Shield, or Ghost Recon) this problem doesn't occur. If you're still not sure
what I'm talking about, this problem is explained from Dell Tech. Support as
that is the make of the monitor, but my computer is an AMD Duron:
***OSD Warning Messages
A warning message may appear on the screen indicating that the monitor is
out of sync. This warning message will scroll through the screen.
This means that the monitor cannot synchronize with the signal that it is
receiving from the computer. Either the signal is too high or too low for
the monitor to use. See Specifications for the Horizontal and Vertical scan
ranges addressable by this monitor.
Sometimes, no warning message appears, but the screen is blank, which
could also indicate that the monitor is not synchronizing with the
I'm sorry, but I have NO idea what steps I can take to correct this
problem. If somebody can help, I would really appreciate it!!. Thanks.

Try changing / reducing the monitor refresh rate.


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