Monitor going bad?


Travis King

My question is do I have a monitor going bad? It is a Proview 19" black
monitor. (CRT) I'll be working away and all of a sudden, I'll hear a
high-pitched noise for about two seconds. While this is happening, the
screen has lines going through it. The noise is like when some vehicles are
braking, it makes kind of a squeek noise. The high-pitched noise isn't very
loud, but it is definetely there. It will do this maybe once every half
hour. It started doing this last night. This monitor is only 1 year old.
Is it going bad? Thanks.


Sounds like the high voltage is arcing. If you aren't afraid, open it up and
clean everything in the high voltage area. The high voltage transformer is the
usual cause.

Travis King

Unknown said:
Sounds like the high voltage is arcing. If you aren't afraid, open it up and
clean everything in the high voltage area. The high voltage transformer is the
usual cause.

J.C. Hornbeck [MSFT]

It sounds like it could be. Generally any time monitors start making noise
that's a bad omen.

J.C. Hornbeck, MCSE
Microsoft Product Support

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Sounds like the high voltage is arcing. If you aren't afraid, open it up and
clean everything in the high voltage area. The high voltage transformer is the
usual cause.

You neglected to tell him that he should NOT use his vacuum cleaner to
do that. The static from a household vacuum cleaner is one of the best
was to destroy your monitor/computer/television.

To the OP: good luck with cleaning it. Sounds like the monitor is
probably toast to me.


He's right that's what you need to do BUT and this is a HUGE BUT, kind of
like mine, when you unplug it LEAVE IT UNPLUGGED FOR ATLEAST AN HOUR before
you open it. The capacitors inside store enough electricity to be extremely
hazardous. And even then avoid touching anything inside. It is very possible
to simply clean the vents on the back of the monitor to allow airflow again
but if it's to the point of making noises I doubt it.

Travis King

Luckily, I build computers, so I know not to ever use vacuum cleaners. I
just don't know anything about monitors. This monitor has done funny things
before, but nothing like this. I heard using a small paint brush (dry of
course) works, but then again, couldn't it conduct static-electricity? I
live in Iowa. Oh well, at least I have a spare 17" CRT monitor that
probably can get me by until I can afford to get a new monitor. I'll make
sure that this time that I get more expensive one so perhaps it will last
longer. I heard that LCD's aren't worth it because they don't hold up as
well and they are not as nice for gaming. Is this true? I've gotten dead
pixels on standard CRT displays before too.


If you have a spare use it and leave the other unplugged for a day or two
then you know it is safe and has had plenty of time to cool.
Then clean it good and try it again. Proview are inexpensive but not
necessarily cheap. I've got one on my kids box and she's been using it for 2
years and I used it for 2 before that. Just keep the vents clean and that's
good advice for ANY CRT monitor.

Tim Slattery

Travis King said:
My question is do I have a monitor going bad? It is a Proview 19" black
monitor. (CRT) I'll be working away and all of a sudden, I'll hear a
high-pitched noise for about two seconds. While this is happening, the
screen has lines going through it. The noise is like when some vehicles are
braking, it makes kind of a squeek noise. The high-pitched noise isn't very
loud, but it is definetely there. It will do this maybe once every half
hour. It started doing this last night. This monitor is only 1 year old.
Is it going bad? Thanks.

That's one possibility. Another is that something in the area is
starting once every half hour and generating interference, which your
monitor is picking up. Is some nearby motor (air conditioner, fan,
anything at all) starting up when you see the lines and hear the


Hey, i used to have this problem. Its not just the
possibility your monitor is going crazy,

because its a crt monitor phones affect it, Do you have a
cellphone or home phone next to the monitor or speakers,
because when you recieve a call, or text message or alert
on your phone it can interfere with speakers and monitor
and sometimes cause a lil beeping noise or sometimes
cause a deafening tone.

good luck

Travis King

Unless of course it has a jewel case creator... I know the Nero that I used
before didn't have one.

Jim Macklin

Find an old fashioned TV repairman. You can have him/her
test your CRT monitor for defective transformers and
capacitors and replace bad components. If it is only a year
old, it may still have some warranty left, check on that
before you let "unauthorized" people work on it.
It can take weeks or years for a good capacitor to
discharge, a qualified tech will use insulated test
equipment to drain the charge which can be several amps and
thousands of volts, more than enough to kill you.

| Luckily, I build computers, so I know not to ever use
vacuum cleaners. I
| just don't know anything about monitors. This monitor has
done funny things
| before, but nothing like this. I heard using a small
paint brush (dry of
| course) works, but then again, couldn't it conduct
static-electricity? I
| live in Iowa. Oh well, at least I have a spare 17" CRT
monitor that
| probably can get me by until I can afford to get a new
monitor. I'll make
| sure that this time that I get more expensive one so
perhaps it will last
| longer. I heard that LCD's aren't worth it because they
don't hold up as
| well and they are not as nice for gaming. Is this true?
I've gotten dead
| pixels on standard CRT displays before too.
| | > On Tue, 23 Mar 2004 20:56:45 GMT, "Unknown"
<[email protected]>
| > wrote:
| >
| > >Sounds like the high voltage is arcing. If you aren't
afraid, open it up
| and
| > >clean everything in the high voltage area. The high
voltage transformer
| is the
| > >usual cause.
| >
| > You neglected to tell him that he should NOT use his
vacuum cleaner to
| > do that. The static from a household vacuum cleaner is
one of the best
| > was to destroy your monitor/computer/television.
| >
| > To the OP: good luck with cleaning it. Sounds like the
monitor is
| > probably toast to me.
| >
| >

Travis King

My window fan (across the room probably 8 feet away from it) This might
make sense because it has a sensor to shut off when the temperature gets
right. No more than the fan shut off, the monitor quit doing that.
However, I used this windows fan all of last summer, and I never had a
problem. I have a 188W sub, but it is several feet away from my monitor.

Travis King

There is somebody with one of those CB radios across the street. A long
time ago, with an older set of speakers that I had, his voice would
interfere with my speakers, and I could hear voices in the background, but I
never noticed anything with the monitor, but that was when I had my old 17"
Envision monitor that I gave to my brother. The spare that I'm using is a
four-year-old Compaq MV720 monitor, and still working fine.

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