Missing memory on slave drive?


Rod L

Hi, maybe OT but would appreciate any advice.
I'm using a 40gb drive as my primary drive containing XP. I have just
purchased a second 80gb drive as a slave. Both drives are formatted as NTFS.
I've partitioned the slave drive into three. The problem I am finding is
that when I delete something from these partitions I find I'm not recovering
all the space. For example I stored one folder containing MP3's in a 40gb
partition. The folder was approx 15gb in size. When I deleted the folder,
instead of again being left with 40gb, I was left with only 35. I'm getting
the same with my other partitions. Also is their a quick way of
re-formatting an already formatted NTSC drive?. Many thanks.
Rod I.

Rick \Nutcase\ Rogers

Hi Rod,

Run defrag on the volumes with missing space. As long as a volume is not a
system volume and does not contain any information you do not want to lose,
to reformat it just right click it in Windows Explorer (double-click "My
Computer") and choose the format option.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers, aka "Nutcase" - Microsoft MVP

Associate Expert - WindowsXP Expert Zone

Windows help - www.rickrogers.org

Gerry Cornell


Have you enabled Show Hidden Files and Folders? Start, Control Panel,
Folder Options, View, and check box before Show Hidden Files and

Have you emptied the Recycle Bin? You have one for each Partition.
Start, Disk CleanUp, select Partition /Drive, check box, OK, Yes.


Hope this helps.


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Stourport, Worcs, England
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Miss Perspicacia Tick

Rod said:
Hi, maybe OT but would appreciate any advice.
I'm using a 40gb drive as my primary drive containing XP. I have just
purchased a second 80gb drive as a slave. Both drives are formatted
as NTFS. I've partitioned the slave drive into three. The problem I
am finding is that when I delete something from these partitions I
find I'm not recovering all the space. For example I stored one
folder containing MP3's in a 40gb partition. The folder was approx
15gb in size. When I deleted the folder, instead of again being left
with 40gb, I was left with only 35. I'm getting the same with my
other partitions. Also is their a quick way of re-formatting an
already formatted NTSC drive?. Many thanks.
Rod I.

1) Hard drive space is hard drive space, not memory.
2) Learn the difference between a decimal GB and a binary one
3) It's NTFS. I don't know what the heck NTSC stands for

Bruce Chambers

Miss said:
3) It's NTFS. I don't know what the heck NTSC stands for

National Transmissions Standards Committee - Sets the broadcast
formats for American television.


Bruce Chambers

Help us help you:

You can have peace. Or you can have freedom. Don't ever count on having
both at once. - RAH

Rod L

Rick "Nutcase" Rogers said:
Hi Rod,

Run defrag on the volumes with missing space. As long as a volume is not a
system volume and does not contain any information you do not want to
lose, to reformat it just right click it in Windows Explorer (double-click
"My Computer") and choose the format option.
Defrag made no difference. Tried the format method you suggest but get
message that drive is in use but I've no programmes running from/to that

Gerry wrote - Have you enabled Show Hidden Files and Folders? Start, Control
Folder Options, View, and check box before Show Hidden Files and
Have you emptied the Recycle Bin? You have one for each Partition.
Start, Disk CleanUp, select Partition /Drive, check box, OK, Yes.

No hidden files. No visible recycle bin in any partitions however there were
before I started using them. Disk Cleanup reveals no files to delete anyway.

Miss Perspicacia Tick wrote -
1) Hard drive space is hard drive space, not memory.
2) Learn the difference between a decimal GB and a binary one
3) It's NTFS. I don't know what the heck NTSC stands for

1) Don't follow that one
2) Think I understand where you are coming from in that 1GB is not
necessarily 1GB, however not sure this explains a loss this size.
3) My apologies. Obviously this should read NTFS and not the US PAL
equivalent NTSC. Got carried away with spell check again.

Many thanks for all suggestions thus far.


Bruce Chambers said:
National Transmissions Standards Committee - Sets the broadcast
formats for American television.
No, it menas Never The Same Color twice in reference to the US being first
with the worst color television standard.

Gerry Cornell


What tool did you use to partition the drive?

Are any Symantec / Norton utilities being used?

Is there a System Restore folder in the partition? What happens if you
disable system restore for that partition?


Hope this helps.


Using invalid email address

Stourport, Worcs, England
Enquire, plan and execute.
Please tell the newsgroup how any
suggested solution worked for you.


Miss Perspicacia Tick

Bruce said:
National Transmissions Standards Committee - Sets the broadcast
formats for American television.

Thanks Bruce, I'm a Brit, I wouldn't know that... ;o)

Ian Hoare

Salut/Hi Miss Perspicacia Tick,

le/on Sun, 20 Feb 2005 23:10:35 -0000, tu disais/you said:-
Thanks Bruce, I'm a Brit, I wouldn't know that... ;o)

Hey, I resemble that remark with its implication that Brits are ignorant
about American ways.

Bruce Chambers

Miss said:
Thanks Bruce, I'm a Brit, I wouldn't know that... ;o)

Aw, why not? I know that the television broadcast format in Britain is
PAL (Phase Alternation Line). ;-}


Bruce Chambers

Help us help you:

You can have peace. Or you can have freedom. Don't ever count on having
both at once. - RAH

Gerry Cornell

An alternative meaning for PAL ( Prolongs Active Life ) <g>.


Hope this helps.


Using invalid email address

Stourport, Worcs, England
Enquire, plan and execute.
Please tell the newsgroup how any
suggested solution worked for you.


Gerry Cornell

Um. I thought you would make the connection. Seems the same advertising
was also carried out down under as well!

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