Missing dll, don't have XP CD-only Compaq restore



Hello. I have been having some problems with my laptop and was told to run
sfc /scannow. I did and got the message "Files that are required for Windows
to run properly must be copied to the DLL Cache. Insert your Windows XP Home
edition cd-rom now."

Problem is, I don't have a CD - only a Compaq restore CD. So, I hit cancel.
How do I find out which files are missing and is there any other way to get
them besides the CD (download)?


Hi Rick,

I'm confused. When I got to the Setup folder, the source path read as

What now? I didn't change anything because it didn't match what you said it


Rick \Nutcase\ Rogers


Does that folder exist on your system? I suspect it does not, and you need
to change it to whatever the actual location of the I386 folder is.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers, aka "Nutcase" - Microsoft MVP

Associate Expert - WindowsXP Expert Zone

Windows help - www.rickrogers.org


Hello again. Don't mean to bug you so much. Just wanted to let you know I
did change it to C:\ since it was at C:\I386. Didn't work though. I also
changed it at the Windows NT as it said to in the tutorial that S.Sanguta
suggested. I explored my restore cd and couldn't find the I386 file on it to
reinstall. So, I'm thinking I'm out of luck and will have to somehow get a
Windows XP CD. Thanks for all your help!

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