Mircrosoft Money 2007



Does anyone have any Idea why MS Money would cause a general protection fault
and shut Vista down? I was using MS Money 2005 with no problems, I decided
to upgrade to the 2007 version. In order to install I had to use the
compatibility tab in the properties section. Once it installed it worked
fine. Once I rebooted my computer and ran the software it worked until you
click on "my portfolio". That is when I get the general protection fault
(blue screen of death) and windows shuts down. During reboot Vista
recognizes the error and looks for a solution but never displays anything.
Any Thought?


I hope that you did not Upgrade to Money 2007 using the Download Method on
your Windows Vista Beta 2 Computer, because The Microsoft Money 2007 Purchase
Method Download from Microsoft's Money Website checks to see what Windows
Product Key that you are using (Copy Right and Anti-Piracy Protection), can
only be installed one computer, and you will not be able to use your Windows
Vista Beta 2 Product Key with the RTM Version of Windows Vista, just FYI.


Does anyone have any Idea why MS Money would cause a general protection fault
and shut Vista down? I was using MS Money 2005 with no problems, I decided
to upgrade to the 2007 version. In order to install I had to use the
compatibility tab in the properties section. Once it installed it worked
fine. Once I rebooted my computer and ran the software it worked until you
click on "my portfolio". That is when I get the general protection fault
(blue screen of death) and windows shuts down. During reboot Vista
recognizes the error and looks for a solution but never displays anything.
Any Thought?


Even if you did get MS Money to run you are using a financial program
on a Beta OS full of all sorts of bugs. In order to try it out you
have to give it accounts to play with. Fake ones well OK but live
ones................Are you absolutely sure you wish to do this?

Looked at MS Money once, thought no thanks and I keep my financial
stuff in a safe not in a PC.


Mark W Scheidell

I've learned that neither 06 or 07 play well with IE7. Once I uninstalled
IE7 beta from my XP 64 box then 06 & 07 had no problems.

06 was flaky on Vista 64, I never could get 07 to load on Vista.

John Barnes

I have had no problems with either Money 2005 or 2007. Portfolio works fine
in both. I didn't need compatibility mode to install 2007. I did need to
install 2005 in safe mode.

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