Microsoft Word off screen



Word opens up as normal but seems to be off screen?? Appears in tool bar
while open but not on desk top or on screen.What have I done!?! Can't
reinstall as CD packed for moving home.Any help please?

Kristan Kenney


Try right clicking on the Microsoft Word taskbar button and clicking on
"Move". Use the arrow keys (left, right, up, or down) to bring Microsoft
Word back onto the screen.

Once Microsoft Word has come back on to the screen, press Enter.

If this doesn't work, right click on the Microsoft Word taskbar button and
click "Maximize".

I hope this information helps, have a nice day :)

Kristan Kenney

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no


Have you checked the short cut properties - Maybe it's set to run minimised?


Bruce Chambers

ros said:
Word opens up as normal but seems to be off screen?? Appears in tool bar
while open but not on desk top or on screen.What have I done!?! Can't
reinstall as CD packed for moving home.Any help please?

Press and release <ALT>+<SPACE> and then press <M>. You can now
use the cursor arrow keys to move the display settings dialog window
back to the desired location. When the box is located where you want
it, press <Enter>.


Bruce Chambers

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