Message black out when opening mail with graphics



Anyone having a problem with Windows Mail in opening graphics....Several
times now I've attempted to maximize a message with an attached graphic or
video only to have the maximized screen go completely black except for the
upper information bat. It doesn't happen every time. Today not only did the
screen go black, but when I tired to close the message and exit WM, I had
several screens flash up and had to run task manager to end this a
problem with the program or something going wrong with my NEW computer...sigh.


I had similar problem. Part of display goes black; if I minimize the maximize
it corrects someyimes. Otherise had to restart to get rid of problem. HELP!


Are you using McAfee for you virus software? I'm beginning to wonder if that
might be part of the problem. That's what I'm using....

Gary VanderMolen

It's probably caused by your incompatible antivirus program.
Windows Mail is not compatible with most McAfee or
Norton security programs. Those will need to be
uninstalled, not just disabled.

After uninstalling your non-compatible antivirus, download
and install a more compatible antivirus like the free Avast:

Even compatible antivirus programs will need to have their
email scanning option turned off. For more on this topic see

Gary VanderMolen


Yes I am using MacAfee. It came bundles with dell system. My problem is not
about videos or attachments it just black screens part of the window or if I
expand to full size then the whole screen goes black except for the top info
line in box.

Gary VanderMolen

McAfee! Ding-ding-ding!

Gary VanderMolen

boze said:
Yes I am using MacAfee. It came bundles with dell system. My problem is not
about videos or attachments it just black screens part of the window or if I
expand to full size then the whole screen goes black except for the top info
line in box.

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