MCAD exam question


Wee Bubba


I have decided to study for my MCAD qualifications. I am definetely
going to do a core exam in "Developing Web Applications With C#". I
am also doing a core exam in "Developing XML Services and Server
Components With C#".

These qualifications are very important to me as I am emigrating in
less than 12 months and I will need to get a job in Australia. I am
stuck about which 3rd elective exam to take. I am considering doing
the Windows Forms exam. I have never coded with WinForms before and
would much prefer to do ASP.NET. the only reason I would be doing a
WinForms exam is because I am worried there might not be many ASP.NET
jobs in Sydney and I figire I am enhancing my chances to get a job if
I also know WinForms.

Will the WinForms exam be a shrewd choice for my 3rd elective as this
will make me more versatile? Or should I not be trying to spread
myself too thin? i.e. should I be concentrating purely on ASP.NET
instead if that is what I want to do? In this case there's electives
I could take in SQL Server 2000 or C# security.

I appreciate theres not a definitive answer but I am just looking for
some advice please.



I'll just mention what my company, and I'm sure many other companies are quickly realizing.

Why make a bloated,distrubuted to all workstations, make sure they have the .net framework, version..distrubute it again--winform application when you can create an application, which for the most part can do most everything you'd want a winform application can, and if you need to make a change, it is just in one place! Plus you have all the design flexibility you want in that it is a webpage!


Mark Rae

Why make a bloated,distrubuted to all workstations, make sure they have the framework, whoops...
new version..distrubute it again--winform application when you can create an application, which
for the most part can do most everything you'd want a winform application can, and if you need to make
a change, it is just in one place! Plus you have all the design
flexibility you want in that it is a webpage!

I couldn't agree more!

Mark Bond

I think you'll find more ASP.NET jobs in sydney - though its not such a
big leap to Win Forms. I actually foudn the Win Forms exam easier,
despite the fact I had only limited coding time with this at work
(primarily ASP.NET for me). Theres quite a bit of crossover content
between the exams as well (eg ADO.NET).

anyway, good luck in Sydney - check out before you
head over...


Wee Bubba

thanks a lot for the advice guys. i feel more confident leaving the
WinForms exam out now as I would much prefer to do the exam in C#

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