Maxtor HD Slave Not Recognized



I installed a new 40GB Maxtor drive as a slave. It works
fine except when I boot up I get the "Cannot Install This
hardware" message. It even recognizes it as a Maxtor
6E040L0. It also says the "specified service does not
exist as an installed service".

The device manager has the yellow ! through the disk

Any ideas?


Bill Curtis [MSFT]


The most common cause of this issue is a 3rd party filter driver blocking
your device from installing correctly. You may want to try the following
(at your own RISK!).

1. Backup your registry from NTBACKUP (System State).
2. Open up REGEDIT

3. Go to the following registry key:


4. Delete the value LowerFilters

5. Delete subkeys 0002 - to the end.

6. Reboot. If you fail to reboot (Which is very possible!) use Last Known
Good Configuration to undo the above steps. (Select F8 on boot and choose
from menu)

Good Luck!

- Bill Curtis [MSFT]
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