maxing out conditional formatting



I am trying to conditional format a sheet.

There 5 different formats I would like to use:

Red fill with black text
Red fill with bold blue text
Yellow fill with black text
Yellow fill with bold blue text
No fill with black text

The formatting depends on three things:
1. file status, ie "DUE", "SIGNATURES", "REVISIONS"
2. user(ie, clinician or administrator)
3. due date

Is this too much for conditional formatting given that there are a max of
three. I know that you can have a max of 4 if you use the default, but I
haven't even worked out how to achieve that yet. Possible because I don't
have the formatting in the right order- I know that that affects things. Are
there any guidelines for how to order the conditional formatting?


The first condition in the CF dialogue box takes precedent, followed
by the second and then the third. The default format is used only if
none of the CF conditions are satisfied.

You are limited to 3 conditions in XL2003 and earlier, but that is in
each cell.

Hope this helps.


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