Mass change of properties in photos

Oct 16, 2010
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Below is a technique for mass changing of properties in photos, such Title, Subject, Comments and Author fields. This is for changing these properties on multiple files at once with the same information, like an author’s name.

1. Select the files, using Edit => Select All or highlight the files to change.

2. Right Click => Properties.

3. Go to Summary tab => Advanced tab. Must go to Advanced tab, because you probably will not be able to edit the Property fields in mass (only one at a time) from the Summary tab (or the Simple view of the Summary tab).

4. In the field you want to edit, click in the area below the Value column and you should be able to add information. Note – the area under Value column may appear as white if there is no information in the field. In that case, click on the white area below the Value column and the field should appear for editing.

5. Click Apply in the lower right. This will add the information to all the files that were highlighted.
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