Making cells mandatory to fill in if a previous cell contains info



I have seen the making cells mandatory to fill in comment and it worked, but
I need the same only if a previous cell has been filled. I have various
columns not all of them will be filled but if a cell is filled the complete
row will have to be filled, how do I do this, if one cell is filled then the
complete row should be filled?

Dave Peterson

I would use a helper column that put a warning in big red letters:

=if(and(counta(b2:f2)>0,counta(b2:f2)<5)),"Please fix this row!","")

If there's anything in B2:F2, but they're not all filled in (B:F is 5 columns),
then put that warning message.


hi, I used this code and it worked, but I would like to be able to apply this
code to all my worksheets. The name of my worksheets are: X340, X342n and
X642e? How can I modify this code so it applies to all my worksheets?

p.d. thanks for the other tip!

Dave Peterson

This is a formula that sits in a cell.

You'll have to put the formula in a cell in each worksheet.


sorry, this is the code I am reffering to: and I would like this code to work
for all worksheets: X340, X342n and X642e,

Dim cell As Range
For Each cell In Sheets("X340").Range("L2,L58")
If Len(Trim(cell.Text)) = 0 Then
MsgBox "Please make sure that column B, K & L are filled"
Application.Goto cell
Cancel = True
Exit For
End If
Next cell

Dave Peterson

Are you trying to look at all the rows 2:58 or just row 2 and row 58?

I'm gonna guess that you want all the rows:

Dim cell As Range
dim myRow as long

with sheets("x340")
For Each cell In .Range("a2:a58").cells 'just define the row
myrow = cell.row
if trim(.cells(myrow,"B")) = "" _
or trim(.cells(myrow,"K")) = "" _
or trim(.cells(myrow,"L")) = "" then
MsgBox "Please make sure that column B, K & L are filled on this row"
Application.Goto cell
Cancel = True
Exit For
End If
Next cell
end with

But you could use "L2,L58" if that's what you wanted.

As a user, I think I'd rather receive that immediate feedback that the worksheet
formula gives me--rather than waiting until I was saving the workbook.
sorry, this is the code I am reffering to: and I would like this code to work
for all worksheets: X340, X342n and X642e,

Dim cell As Range
For Each cell In Sheets("X340").Range("L2,L58")
If Len(Trim(cell.Text)) = 0 Then
MsgBox "Please make sure that column B, K & L are filled"
Application.Goto cell
Cancel = True
Exit For
End If
Next cell

Dave Peterson

And if you wanted to loop through those worksheets...

Dim wks As Worksheet
Dim cell As Range
Dim myRow As Long
Dim FoundAnError As Boolean

FoundAnError = False
For Each wks In Worksheets(Array("x340", "x342n", "x642e"))
If FoundAnError Then
Exit For
End If
With wks
For Each cell In .Range("a2:a58").Cells 'just define the row
myRow = cell.Row
If Trim(.Cells(myRow, "B")) = "" _
Or Trim(.Cells(myRow, "K")) = "" _
Or Trim(.Cells(myRow, "L")) = "" Then
MsgBox "Please make sure that column B, K & L are filled on this row"
Application.Goto cell
'Cancel = True
FoundAnError = True
Exit For
End If
Next cell
End With
Next wks

sorry, this is the code I am reffering to: and I would like this code to work
for all worksheets: X340, X342n and X642e,

Dim cell As Range
For Each cell In Sheets("X340").Range("L2,L58")
If Len(Trim(cell.Text)) = 0 Then
MsgBox "Please make sure that column B, K & L are filled"
Application.Goto cell
Cancel = True
Exit For
End If
Next cell

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