cells mandatory to fill



I am creating a file in where if a user fills one column, other three columns
should be filled also. Now, I have created a formula in where it checks that
all colums are filled; therefore, if one column has been filled and others
are missing it will tell me that 'some info missing'.
Then, I inserted a function "if" that will leave a cell in blank for that
row (=IF(S4="ok";"go ";" "), and I am trying to use the VBA instruction to
not let the user save this file without making the neccesary corrections, but
the VBA instruction seems not to recognize the " " marks as an empty cell,
what can I do?

Tom Ogilvy

If a cell has anything in it including a formula or a null string, it isn't


Hi, then which command could I use so that when there is a null string the
user get's a message that some info is missing? And how should this be
inputted inside VB?


this is the code I am currently using:

Dim cell As Range
For Each cell In
If IsEmpty(cell.Text) Then
MsgBox "There is data missing" & cell.Address
Application.Goto cell
Cancel = True
Exit For
End If
Next cell

hope this helps!

Tom Ogilvy

Dim cell As Range
For Each cell In Sheets("X340").Range("T4:T53")
If len(trim(cell.Text)) = 0 Then
MsgBox "There is data missing" & cell.Address
Application.Goto cell
Cancel = True
Exit For
End If
Next cell


thanks! it worked, one question how do I do so it does the same on three
different worksheets. My worksheets are named as follows: X340, X342n and

Tom Ogilvy

Dim cell As Range
Dim sh as Worksheet
for each sh in Worksheets(Array("X340", "X342n","X642e"))
For Each cell In sh.Range("T4:T53")
If len(trim(cell.Text)) = 0 Then
MsgBox "There is data missing" & cell.Address
Application.Goto cell, True
Cancel = True
Exit For
End If
Next cell
Next Sh

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