Mail Header Question


Sitara Lal

I'm trying to do some research into spam messages that I get and wonder if
someone can clarify what the "Envelope to" entry means. In the example
below, the 'return-path' is fraudulent and the 'Envelope to' (which I have
edited in this post) is real.

However, the 'To' address (pruitt@...) is non existent on my server and
hence this message should have been bounced as undeliverable. Instead, it
came through.

So could someone please explain what 'Envelope to' means?

Return-path: <[email protected]>
Envelope-to: (e-mail address removed) {edited by me}
Received: from ([])
(InterMail vK. 479-555-982-20037407 license
with SMTP
id <[email protected]>
for <[email protected]>; Thu, 21 Apr 2005 11:43:33 -0600
Received: from mail pickup service by with Microsoft
SMTPSVC; Thu, 21 Apr 2005 20:39:33 +0300
Date: Thu, 21 Apr 2005 21:44:33 +0400
From: "Rachelle Anthony" <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]> {edited}
Subject: Unbiased info for investor intelligence
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7Bit
X-DNSACTION-MailScanner: Found to be clean, Found to be clean
X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 3.0.2 (2004-11-16) on
X-Spam-Level: *
X-Spam-Status: No, score=1.9 required=2.5 tests=BAYES_99 autolearn=no
X-DNSACTION-MailScanner-Information: Please contact the ISP for more
X-MailScanner-From: (e-mail address removed)

Brian Tillman

Sitara Lal said:
I'm trying to do some research into spam messages that I get and
wonder if someone can clarify what the "Envelope to" entry means. In
the example below, the 'return-path' is fraudulent and the 'Envelope
to' (which I have edited in this post) is real.

When two SMTP routers talk to each other, after they decide thay can
connect, the sending machine send what's called an SMTP envelope to the
receiver, like this:

MAIL FROM:<senderaddress>
RCPT TO:<recipientaddress>
the message goes here.

The receiving machine does not verify the <senderaddress>, but it's
_supposed_ to be real (although SPAMmers fake it). This is what shows up in
the headers as "Return-path". The <recipientaddress> is the address of the
real recipient and it doesn't have to show in any other header. This is
what is showing up in your headers as "Envelope-to".
However, the 'To' address (pruitt@...) is non existent on my server
and hence this message should have been bounced as undeliverable.
Instead, it came through.

The To address doesn't have anything to do with who will get the mail. That
is completely determined by the envelope. The To header, as well as From,
Date, and Subject, are part of the data of the message and actually get sent
after the "DATA" command above. Neither sending SMTP router nor receiving
router actually care what's in those fields; neither do they care if they
even exist. Your mail client uses them to present that information to you
when you view the message, but it doesn't have to bear any resemblance to

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