Macro Deletion



I just created a worksheet from a downloaded template. After saved and
reopen it, a warning message display saying "Macros in this workbook are
disabled because the security level is high, and the macros have not been
digitially signed or verified as safe. To run the macros, you can either
have them signed or change your security level..." When I go tool, Macro,
Macro, to look for any Macro to delete, there are no macros there. Yet,
when I reopen the sheet, there is that silly warning message from above
shows up again. How do I get rid of the warning message withoutt changing
the security level as high? Did I meet the macros to delete some where?


The macro may be private or attached to a sheet.
goto tools>macro>visual basic editor or press alt+f11.
All the macro should be there. in the left pane, click the
project of the file. that will expand the list. it will
show all the public modules. lick the sheet to see the
sheet modules.
To change security levels, goto tools>macro>security

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