lsass.exe, is this a virus?


Rusty Shackleford

When I bring up Task Manager I see a program in services called "lsass.exe".
If I try to stop it the task manager says that it is a system file. I went
to Windows Startup Online Repository ( and searched
for the file and it said it was a file added as a result of the "ratsu.b"
virus, which allows someone to take control of your computer via the
internet. I looked it up on the Norton Antivirus report and there is now
listing for "ratsu.b" virus. When I scan with Norton Antivirus it runs
clean. Is this a legitimate file or a virus?

Rusty Shackleford

'What ever happens, happens necessarily'

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Rusty Shackleford

I used Google and it took me to which said it was a
virus. I went there again and noted that it was talking about the tasks in
msconfig not the Task Manager. I guess if you find lsass.exe there it is a
virus. Sorry for my confusion.

Rusty Shackleford

'What ever happens, happens necessarily'

(e-mail address removed)

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Rusty said:
I used Google and it took me to which said it
was a virus. I went there again and noted that it was talking about
the tasks in msconfig not the Task Manager. I guess if you find
lsass.exe there it is a virus. Sorry for my confusion.
This is not a virus at all! It is a Windows Service. Here is a
"Windows Local Security Authority Server Process handles Windows
security mechanisms. It verifies the validity of user logons to your
computer or server. Technically, the software generates the process
that is responsible for authenticating users for the Winlogon service."
Have a look at
But one of the side-effects of the "Sasser" virus is to cause
"Lsass.exe" to crash.

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