My XP box with Xp pro is constantly chirping. I have finally
determined that this is being caused by a low core voltage. the
voltage should be 3.3 but the bios are reporting it is 2.99 to 3.00.
Can someone tell me how to fix the problem. Could this be caused by
the power supply? I do not have a probe to physically examine the
power supply. I have ASUS probe installed and did notice the
fluctuating voltages as reported by the voltage monitoring module.
If you run with low voltages could that cause a problem? When the
voltages drop the drop does not appear to exceed 10%. On the other
side when examining the plot from ASUS probe I noticed some spiking of
about 15% when it occurred.
Here are details on the computer:
Motherboard is an ASUS P4S8X built from components
Intel Pentium P4 chip 2.4 GHz
4 hard drives
ATI video card Radion 9600
ASUS Probe v2.4 says everything is ok but the Bios under vcore to left
indicates 3.3 but actual between 2.96 and 3.05 and flashes red.
Do you need any other data to be of assistance?
determined that this is being caused by a low core voltage. the
voltage should be 3.3 but the bios are reporting it is 2.99 to 3.00.
Can someone tell me how to fix the problem. Could this be caused by
the power supply? I do not have a probe to physically examine the
power supply. I have ASUS probe installed and did notice the
fluctuating voltages as reported by the voltage monitoring module.
If you run with low voltages could that cause a problem? When the
voltages drop the drop does not appear to exceed 10%. On the other
side when examining the plot from ASUS probe I noticed some spiking of
about 15% when it occurred.
Here are details on the computer:
Motherboard is an ASUS P4S8X built from components
Intel Pentium P4 chip 2.4 GHz
4 hard drives
ATI video card Radion 9600
ASUS Probe v2.4 says everything is ok but the Bios under vcore to left
indicates 3.3 but actual between 2.96 and 3.05 and flashes red.
Do you need any other data to be of assistance?