Lots of projects ending (for now)

Jan 4, 2003
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Wow I have 5 more projects to go on my main machine

3x Leishmaniasis 6.25
3x Fight for aids@home

Thats it. Asked for more projects but nothing at all available

Checked Site and it seems for now our computers get a break for a while

I hear a sigh of relief from my 6core AMD ;)
All the others are chugging along

Maybe things will change.. The last project on this machine finishes in 4.5 hours.....
:confused:That is funny I have 2 Fight Aids at home both 9h 41m and 3 Drug search for Leishmaniasis all at 10h 44m waiting to run after the four I am running at the moment. I wonder what has happened.:confused:
Maybe I received mine before you

leishmaniasis runtimes were approx 5half hours on my machine

FF aids @ home were about 3half hours runtime

both completion dates were set for 10th july
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Just counted 106 WUs waiting to be crunched (that includes the 8 currently crunching.) Most are Drug research for Leishmaniasis and Fight AIDS at Home. Their report deadlines are up to 11/7/13, although most seem to be about 4 - 4.5 hour jobs. Doesn't look as if they're going to run out just yet though.
Yes, lots of projects seem finished but am still getting new WUs.

Aids and Leishman still appearing on a regular basis. :)
Yeah some new ones have been sent

Even though upon requesting some last night the system told me there are not any

I also increased my daily limit, strange....

Ahh well fine by me :D