Loss of data after repairing XP Pro




Until today it wouldn't even boot. Oh....Windows XP Pro
by the way. Anyways....I ran the recovery console from
the windows boot disk. Performed a chkdsk command and it
said that it fixed some stuff on the drive. I got the
idea to do this because I was seeing errors about cyclic
redundancy error or something. Anyways....then I tried
to re-install windows but instead of a clean install just
try to use the command to fix a previous install. It
wouldn't seem to work. So....then I did it all over
again only this time I just did a fresh install. I even
chose another directory and installed it to c:\winxp.
Hoping to leave the Windows directory alone in an attempt
to recover all my data.

Anyways...worst case scenario happens of course. :)
Well...yes and no. Now I have the computer booting up.
It pops up with multiple boot options...both of course
being Windows XP. Now it will actually boot into both
systems, the one that is so called recovered....although
very unstable and funny looking, and then the fresh
install that I did next. So....onto the weird parts.

It seems that I've lost all my data that was in a Windows
based directory. For example, all my favourites,
anything listed under My Documents, the desktop and
everything saved on it, etc etc. have disappeared. It
did recall some things, like the user names, admin.
passwords etc, but it just has empty folders where I once
had stuff saved.

Part 2 of the weirdness....I'm not convinced that my data
is all gone. If I check the hard drive space from say My
Computer, it says I'm using like 12gb. But...if I
actually open up the C: drive and select all, then check
the properties, it only tallies up to about 4gb. Very
strange....can't explain it. However, 12gb sounds like
what I probablly had on there like say 2 weeks ago before
all this happened. And now I can't see any of my
documents, ex) music, videos, and hundreds of graphics.
Which probablly accounts for the missing 8gb.

So...what do you figure? Right now I've come to the
conclusion that I'm just going to have to format the
disk, and do an actual clean install right from scratch.
Which is always beneficial every once in a while anyways
so get all the crap off the system. But...I'm still not
convinced I've lost everything. Do you have any ideas
how I might recover the "My Documents" folder before I
wipe this thing clean?

SEND REPLIES TO: (e-mail address removed)


Try to find your old documents here:
C:\Documents and Settings\[OLD USER NAME]\My Documents


Further to what the other respondents wrote: It is essential
that you back up your important files to an independent
medium once every week. You may have to consider this
sorry event as a stark reminder of this rule.

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