Long Wait at Blue Screen



Recently I when I log onto my computer it has been taking a long time to get past the blue screen which says loading personal settings. It sits there for a good minute at least. It used to load up within a couple seconds until all the sudden one day it gave me this problem. It didn't gradually get slower, it immediately started doing this after i restarted my computer one day. Can anyone please help

System Specs
Win. XP Pr
Athlon 280
80 gi
512 ra
ATI All in Wonder 9700 Pro Video Car
Sound Blaster Live Audio Card


See what is running in startup
type "msconfig"
go to startup tab something in there is likely causing it
-----Original Message-----
Recently I when I log onto my computer it has been taking
a long time to get past the blue screen which says loading
personal settings. It sits there for a good minute at
least. It used to load up within a couple seconds until
all the sudden one day it gave me this problem. It didn't
gradually get slower, it immediately started doing this
after i restarted my computer one day. Can anyone please


I have done all that numerous times and have nothing left to that I don't need starting up. I tried using bootvis but that didn't get me any better performance either. Maybe I'm not using it right. Any other suggestions. I have a spyware blocker and anti-virus and my computer is spy-ware and virus free as far as I can tell. I have tried so many things to fix this and I know many other people have this same problem. Now who has the answer

----- (e-mail address removed) wrote: ----

See what is running in startu
type "msconfig
go to startup tab something in there is likely causing it
-----Original Message----
Recently I when I log onto my computer it has been taking
a long time to get past the blue screen which says loading
personal settings. It sits there for a good minute at
least. It used to load up within a couple seconds until
all the sudden one day it gave me this problem. It didn't
gradually get slower, it immediately started doing this
after i restarted my computer one day. Can anyone please


try the event viewer in the controll panel.

John said:
I have done all that numerous times and have nothing left to that I don't
need starting up. I tried using bootvis but that didn't get me any better
performance either. Maybe I'm not using it right. Any other suggestions.
I have a spyware blocker and anti-virus and my computer is spy-ware and
virus free as far as I can tell. I have tried so many things to fix this
and I know many other people have this same problem. Now who has the

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