Logon to Domain



I have a Windows server 2003. I recently replaced all Win98 clients with new
XP Professional clients. Users were expecting them to fly. However were
grossly disappointed with the time it takes to logon to the domain. It takes
about 2 minutes while it does loading your personal settings.... applying
your personal settings.... which they did no have on their old Win98
machines. How can this process made quicker?

Shenan Stanley

Chris said:
I have a Windows server 2003. I recently replaced all Win98 clients
with new XP Professional clients. Users were expecting them to fly.
However were grossly disappointed with the time it takes to logon to
the domain. It takes about 2 minutes while it does loading your
personal settings.... applying your personal settings.... which they
did no have on their old Win98 machines. How can this process made

Create a new profile and logon.. Does it take as long?


Thanks for the reply. Yes it takes as long for any user profile and on any
machine. In fact it takes much longer for a new profile doing loading your
personal settings.... applying your personal settings.... etc the first time
user logs on. It gets quicker when the user logs on second time and then on.
But my question is, generally can this process of loading your personal
settings... applying your personal settings... be made quicker?


Are you Using Dhcp sever In you network and Defult Gateway and DNS server IP
are given to the client that is Provied ny the internet provider.


Chris said:
I have a Windows server 2003. I recently replaced all Win98 clients with new
XP Professional clients. Users were expecting them to fly. However were
grossly disappointed with the time it takes to logon to the domain. It takes
about 2 minutes while it does loading your personal settings.... applying
your personal settings.... which they did no have on their old Win98
machines. How can this process made quicker?
Do you have roaming profiles turned on? When I tried to use them it
slowed down the logon and shutdown a lot. It has to copy the profile
to and from the server.



Yes. But I tried using static IP and using the router IP as default gateway
and both windows server and router IP as DNS with no difference

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