Lnk Files Extension

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All the icons on my "Start menu" and "All Programs" menus have changed .
The files are now with a .LNK extension , I cannot open them?

My OS Is Windows XP. Browser IE7.

I did find the following answer,

"Go here and download the LNK fix
Read the instructions at the top of the page first.

Iwent to this site,

EXE File Association Fix (Restore default association for EXE files)

LNK (Shortcut) File Association Fix (Restores Default Shortcut Behavior)

When I save to the folder and try to run The error message comes with
"Window cannot open this file"


Please let me know step by step instruction. Thanks.

What could be cause this problem?

..reg files are installed by right clicking on them and then selecting
'Merge'. You will a pop-up message asking you if you want to add the
information to the Registry - click 'Yes'.


Will Denny
MS-MVP Windows Shell/User
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