ListView Horizontal Scrollbar

  • Thread starter Thread starter Adhal
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I have a listview set to "Details" view. The listview is empty and I set the column[0].width to
-2. For some unknown reason the width is set to beyond the listview size, and the horizontal bar
appears. In another form, the listview works fine and behaves perfectly when I autosize. I couldn't
find much info on how to fix it just that it is a known bug according to one forum posting. Maybe my
WWW search capabilities suck.

Is there a simple way around this. Is Microsoft going to fix this bug?

Appreciate any advice on how to fix this.

Thank you :)
Adhal said:
I have a listview set to "Details" view. The listview is empty and I
set the column[0].width to -2. For some unknown reason the width is set
to beyond the listview size, and the horizontal bar appears. In another
form, the listview works fine and behaves perfectly when I autosize.

Setting the ColumnHeader's Width property will cause the column to be
automatically sized to fit the width of the column heading.

One reason that you would see different behavior on one computer as
compared to another is when the two computers are rendering the column
header differently. For example, they aren't the same operating system
version, or they are using a different font, or the font scaling has
been set differently, etc.

Whether that's the issue you're seeing is impossible to say, especially
without an actual concise-but-complete code example, never mind two
specific computers that are known to produce different results. But
hopefully that provides you with a way to understand the behavior better.
couldn't find much info on how to fix it just that it is a known bug
according to one forum posting. Maybe my WWW search capabilities suck.

Is there a simple way around this. Is Microsoft going to fix this bug?

I suspect that it's not a bug. But there's no way for me to know for
sure given the information provided.

Thanks Pete,

It's on one computer within the same IDE. First thing I tried was on a different PC see if it was my
NET install. Error was still there. I test it on a clean VirtualBox Win-XP image.

Here's the code:
listViewFiles.Columns[0].Width = -2;

It's only got one column header. In one of the list, I first populate the list with filenames from
the system then call that. There are several listviews with only two producing this error. One is on
blank form with just it. The other is part of a directory like display within splitters.

Setting the last column width to -2 should always autosize to either max size or maximum text
(label) length. Whichever is greater. I don't see how one can type it wrong or differently.

Couldn't figure out the reason but I am not the only one who is having this issue. I have found
others complaining about the same issue while googling. One guy said it was a known bug (I am unable
to find the link again, sorry).

Anyhow, I went back to what I use to do in VB6. :) SendMessage and LVSCW_AUTOSIZE_USEHEADER. Works
fine now. Solution was staring my in the face and I couldn't see it.

I just replaced one line. So instead of calling:

listViewFiles.Columns[0].Width = -2;

I call ResizeColumn (implementation below).

[DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
static extern IntPtr SendMessage(IntPtr hWnd, uint Msg, int wParam, int lParam);

const int LVM_SETCOLUMNWIDTH = 0x101E;

public static void ResizeColumn(IntPtr hWnd, int columnIndex)
Spoke to soon. The error is still there it just seems not to occur as often or perhaps that might be
in my imagination only.

I'll auto-size it myself once I figure out how to do it. :)